Customized 321014 Square Pouch Battery small lithium ion battery

Customized 321014 Square Pouch Battery small lithium ion battery

321014 is a small lithium ion battery that supports 2C fast charging/discharging.
Customized 321014 Square Pouch Battery small lithium ion battery


  • Rechargeable small lithium ion battery for wearables and hearables;
  • High capacity and long cycle life;
  • 2C fast charging/discharging;
  • Fully certified;
  • 1 year product warranty;
  • Up to US$20 million product safety insurance.


  • Bluetooth earphones;
  • Medical sensors;
  • Pet trackers;
  • Smart glasses;
  • Smart jewelry;
And more......


Model Maximum Dimension (mm) Minimum Capacity (mAh) Internal Impedance
Normal Voltage (V) Charge Ending Voltage (V) Maximum Charge Current Maximum Discharge Current
Thickness (mm)  Width (mm) Length
321014 3.2 10.5 14.0 25 900 3.7 4.2 2C/50mA 2C/50mA