
2024-07-18 10:34:57

蓄势锂电研产升级 助推企业高质发展

  蓄势锂电研产升级 助推企业高质发展 ——紫建电子独立董事一行到重庆考察调研     近日,重庆市紫建电子股份有限公司(“紫建电子”,股票代码:301121)独立董事汤四新、黎永绿、吕大龙一行先后到重庆市紫建新能源有限公司、重庆市紫建电子股份有限公司和重庆市维都利新能源有限公司考察调研,重点了解紫建电子研发创新、生产经营、产线设备、成本费用、人员储备等方面的情况,紫建电子董事周显茂、财务负责人刘小龙和董事会秘书肖开清以及相关部门负责人陪同考察调研。     首先,独立董事考察了重庆市紫建新能源有限公司(“研究院”),独立董事在研究院负责人陪同下先后参

2020-09-23 10:12:30

Correct use of 573230 square battery

Correct use of 573230 square battery 573230 square battery is widely used and is a kind of energy storage conversion equipment. The use of the battery is generally divided into small-medium-large. Generally small batteries are used in consumer electronics, such as smart phones and laptop computers. The large and medium-sized ones are based on sm

2020-09-22 10:08:50

Related structure and battery characteristics of 1254H TWS coin battery

1254H TWS coin battery is a type of battery that uses lithium metal or lithium alloy as the negative electrode material and uses a non-aqueous electrolyte solution. Due to the very active chemical properties of lithium metal, the requirements for the processing, storage and use environment of lithium metal are very high. Features of 1254H TWS

2020-09-21 10:04:47

What are the main advantages of 1238C coin cell?

The 1238C coin cell is one of the battery shape classifications. The 1238C coin cell also belongs to the opposite sex battery in the dry battery. Because of its size like a small button battery, it is also called a button battery. It has a large diameter and thin thickness. The following briefly describes the advantages of 1238C coin cell. 1. Se

2020-09-20 09:45:58

What are the structure and advantages of 352538 square battery

Lithium-ion batteries are divided into square lithium batteries, cylindrical lithium batteries and button-type lithium batteries according to their appearance; lithium batteries are divided into aluminum shell lithium batteries, steel shell lithium batteries, and soft pack batteries according to the outsourcing materials; according to the positive
