
2020-07-16 14:14:57

What is the solution to avoid Rechargeable Coin Battery leakage?

The content of potassium hydroxide in the Rechargeable Coin Battery leakage liquid is a substance with extremely strong alkalinity and corrosiveness, and its properties are similar to caustic soda. It has a cauterizing effect on tissues. Splashing of the solution on the skin, especially the mucous membranes, can cause soft scabs on the mucous membr

2020-07-08 17:47:15

What are the characteristics of a good rechargeable coin battery?

First of all. They are very safe. Safety is one of the basic and most important production guidelines for all batteries. In order to prevent short circuit and leakage of rechargeable coin battery, reducing the self-discharge will extend the storage time. Rechargeable button battery manufacturers will choose chemically stable materials to prevent th

2020-07-08 18:12:16

Rechargeable Square Pouch Battery structure and advantages

At present, there are three main types of lithium battery packaging on the market, namely, cylindrical, square and coin cell. Among them, the structure of Rechargeable Square Pouch Battery is relatively simple, unlike Rechargeable Cylindrical Pouch Battery, which uses accessories with explosion-proof safety valves. Therefore, the overall charge of

2020-03-14 09:56:40


澳大利亚Deakin大学的研究人员最近报道了一项突破,该突破可以显著提高高容量锂离子电池的安全性能,尤其是在工作温度升高的情况下。改进归因于一类称为离子液体的新型电解质材料,与目前将锂盐溶解到有机溶液中的电解质材料相反,它是一种在室温下呈液态的盐。 Deakin团队组装了一个1000mAh的软包电池,其中装有离子液体作为电解质。该电池使用锂金属作为阳极。金属锂尽管其能量密度非常高,但普遍被认为其安全性能较差,可能导致起火或爆炸。由于采用了离子液体电解质,该电池没有爆炸,反而具有良好的安全性,高温稳定性和高电压稳定性,从而提高了储能能力。 据研究人员称,离子液体不挥发且不易燃,在高温下表现更为突出。此外,当与锂金属阳极配对时,可以获得潜在的好处包括更高的能量密度,更快的充电速率和更

2020-02-26 16:43:51


最近,营销公司ZAGG Brands最近预测了以下2020年四大消费电子市场趋势。 1.电源。 智能城市,5G,Wi-Fi 6,视频流,电子竞技或无现金支付等技术进步都在很大程度上取决于电池电量以确保其高效运行。此外,快速充电或无线充电等高级功能的发展也将彻底改变用户体验。到2020年,对实现这些革命的先进电池的需求将更加突出。 2. 5G。 作为2020年最大的技术趋势,5G将以逐渐的速度增长。预计将首先在需求高的人口密集地区以及主要城市中心引入5G。 5G技术的增长也将导致2020年对设备保护和电源解决方案的需求增加。 3.二手市场。 随着新型智能消费电子设备变得更具创新性和技术先进性,其价格将不可避免地上涨。因此,随着越来越多的人寻求负担得起的翻新设备,我们可以
