
2020-06-29 17:35:35

Advantages and development trends of bagged squared pouch battery

Squared pouch battery The main advantages of a square battery are its thin profile and efficient use of space. The elongated rectangular shape helps to better layer and increase flexibility, and square batteries are commonly found in mobile phones, tablets, and other light electronic devices. 8 advantages of choosing a square battery Lithium b

2020-06-23 17:51:15


R&D Overview 380+ Highly Competent Battery Scientists and Technicians 90+ High Precision Testing and Characterization Equipment 6% of Revenue Invested to R&D 70+ Patents Filed per Year   Chongqing Research Institute      

2020-10-20 09:23:31


方形方形充电电池402030的主要组件通常包括顶盖,外壳,正极板,负极板,由隔板,绝缘子和安全组件组成的层压板或绕组。红色圆圈内是NSD针灸安全装置的安全结构; OSD过充电保护装置。 方型可充电方形电池402030针刺安全装置(NSD,Nail Safety Device),这是芯线的最外层,带有金属层,例如铜箔。然后当发生针刺时,在针刺部位产生的局部大电流将流经铜片的大面积,以迅速减小单位面积的电流,从而可以防止针刺部位局部过热,从而减慢其速度电池发热失控。 过充电安全装置(OSD,Overcharge Safety Device),目前这种安全设计可以在许多电池上看到。它通常是与保险丝结合使用的金属板,保险丝通常可以设计在正极集电器上,然后在过充电期间电池内部产生的压力将导

2020-10-20 09:28:20


据统计,目前市场上有三种类型的锂电池:方形,圆柱形和软包装。它们都是锂电池。这三种类型的电池有什么区别? 据统计,近年来锂电池已广泛用于电动汽车和电化学储能中。当前市场上主要的锂电池一般包括可充电方形袋电池,圆柱形电池和软包装电池。两者都是锂电池,那么三者有什么区别? 方型可充电方形电池402030通常通过缠绕或层压工艺操作。由于能量密度高,电池循环寿命也非常长。外壳是钢壳或铝壳。现在随着工艺的改进,目前开始主要使用铝壳。方形方形充电电池402030在电动汽车领域占据主流,而BMW i3使用三星SDI方形方形电池。据了解,2018年,方形充电电池的市场份额已经达​​到80%。 由于其高性价比和安全性,可充电方形袋式电池在电化学储能领域非常受欢迎。它使用的电池是高质量的CAT

2020-11-07 08:52:25

Do you know how the Rechargeable Square Pouch Battery of electric vehicles is maintained?

How to maintain the Rechargeable Square Pouch Battery of electric vehicles? This is a headache for many users. If the battery is known to be a product that needs maintenance, if the maintenance is not done properly, the service life of the Rechargeable Square Pouch Battery will be greatly reduced, which will affect the electric The service life of
